Author Archives: Lee Scandles

About Lee Scandles

Wife of a plumber and mother to an apprentice plumber. Here to celebrate all things plumbing and give our plumbers out there some love.


Plumbing calamities, by their very nature, are something that you’re often unable to predict; most of them occurring suddenly and without warning. There are even times that our only recourse is to wait for the plumber to arrive. That’s not to say you can’t be prepared however. A plumbing emergency can knock at any time, without prior warning. Any plumbing emergency calls for a calm nerve. Panic has never helped and nor will it in the future. In case of such a demanding situation, there are a few tips that you should keep in mind even before you contact plumbers. All you need is to know a little bit about plumbing and how to minimize the damage before you decide to contact plumbing services.The most common and detrimental types of plumbing emergencies:

Plumbing Disaster

Leaking water pipes or even burst pipes

This proves to be a common problem in home plumbing. Not only is your toilet overflowing with water, but such leakage causes a lot of water and odour problems. In such cases, the most effective solution is to close the water shut off valve to stop the supply of water, thus preventing further leakage. However, it is always better to inspect your toilets periodically to avoid the occurrence of such situations. The process includes some simple steps such as dropping food dye in your water tank and then allowing it to settle. After an hour, if the colored dye is still seen in the bowl, it proves that your toilet has a leakage. You can then call up the plumber and get it done before the situation turns out to be worse.


Clogged Drains

This is another common problem that can also be fixed if you have a general plumbing knowledge. The most common cause of such clogs is the blocking of the drain due to the accumulation of debris such as hair and other materials. If that is the case, then simply pull out the debris to release the block. If the blockage still persists, you can give a try with the plunger. In this case, the pressure created by the plunger is used to lift the block by loosening the clog and water is blown away quickly along with the clogged debris.

Gas Leaks

If a pipe in your home is leaking natural gas, it could cause fire or an explosion. If you suspect a gas leak, shut off your main gas valve, which is usually located next to the household gas meter. Then, call a plumber whose services include gas leaks. To avoid accidents, you and your family should evacuate your home until the leak is detected and repaired. This is an extremely dangerous operation and should be handled quickly by a professional.

Some simple and quick tips that can help you in the case of a plumbing emergency.

· Leakage as a result of ferrules in a supply tube can be temporarily mended by using Teflon tape around the ferrule.

· Knowing the location of the main water shut-off valve, in cases of pipe bursts and leaks.

· Turning off the isolation valves near each fixture will stop the inflow of water to that part  while allowing water flow to the remaining locations.

· Cracks in the pipeline can be temporarily mended by using duct tape or pipe sealing tape.

· Basic know-how of turning off the water heater at times can be quite helpful. If it is a gas water heater, simply turn the switch to the position marked ‘Pilot’.

· Unscrewing the chrome cap and then removing the clog or even plunging can easily remove a clog in the bathtub.

· If there is water leaking due to a broken supply tube, you can easily seal the leak by screwing in a blind cap.

Essential plumbing tools that should never miss in your Emergency Plumbing Kit.

1) Heavy-duty paper rolls to clean up the water.

2) A multi-bit screwdriver

3) A forced cup and a regular plunger

4) Leakage sealing tape and duct tape. Teflon tape is also useful in cases.

5) Different varieties of blind caps

6) An adjustable wrench and a pair of medium slip joint pliers

However, it’s always prudent to have the contact information of your plumber at hand for emergencies, especially when they could be life-threatening.We are fortunate to have one of the best plumbers in Langley, BC in the family – but if you’re not blessed with having a plumber in the family you should know who to call before you actually need help. But again, remember to stay calm whenever you have a plumbing emergency and you may be able to avoid a worst-case scenario.


Whenever you call in a plumber for maintenance and repair, while they may seem hard at work, they just might be silently chastising for the simple and avoidable mistakes you’ve made. Most clogs, floods, and breakdowns in plumbing can be avoided by learning the basics of protecting and preserving the plumbing systems.

As such, here are a few tips to help avoid future clogs and breakdown in plumbing.

1. Avoid Using Chemicals to Clean the Drain

Those chemical cleaners which claim to be a cure-all for all tough clogs may be unquestionably effective at unclogging the notorious grease and hair in your drains. However, they may be just as effective in corroding and damaging the surfaces of the metal pipes, leading to leaks. In the longer run, such leaks might cost a fortune to repair. In the case of a clog, call the professionals. It’ll actually save you money.

2. Everything isn’t Flushabledont flush
Your toilet isn’t a garbage can. Toilets aren’t meant to flush wet wipes, toilet scrubbers, make-up pads, feminine hygiene products, cat litter. Though these products may be labelled “flushable”, they’re made of plastic which isn’t bio-degradable. Therefore they collect in tight curves, main sewer lines and clog them out.

3. You Don’t Know Where the Main Shut-Off Valve Is

You wake up to a flood in the middle of the night. The water is unrelenting and you just want it to stop. Yet you know nothing about the shut-off valve. Such a stressful situation can be easily avoided by simply asking the plumber to give you a home tour of the basic parts of your home’s plumbing system. Next time you have an emergency at an inopportune time you’ll be prepared to handle it.

4. Avoid Drop-In Toilet Fresheners

They turn your toilet water into a fresh and lovely blue, those drop-in fresheners, however, they more often than not contain dangerous chemicals that’ll corrode and weaken your metal pipes, causing leaks, bursts, or breakdowns. They can also get stuck in the flash valve thus preventing flushing. If you really can’t do without the drop-in fresheners you can add them into the flush tank instead. But the best alternative is using fresheners that aren’t drop-in so as to prevent the damaging of the pipes.

5. The Garbage Disposal System Isn’t a Trashcan

Garbage disposals are meant for disposing of small amounts of scrap, but most users think they’re an easy way to dispose of whatever trash is in the home. They end up damaging the system and spend wads of cash in repairs. Use the garbage disposal appropriately and rinse with lots of water after use.

6. Forgetting to Up-Date the Hoses

Hoses have an average lifespan of up to five years. Afterwards, you’re obliged to replace them to avoid bursting and flooding. During replacements ensure that you use stainless steel for all water lines as it’s rust-resistant and will generally increase the lifespan of your pipelines.

7. Don’t Over-Estimate Your DIY Plumbing Skills

Don’t pressure yourself into imagining that you’ve got to be an expert fixer-upper of your home. Know your limits especially when it comes to plumbing. Leave the complicated repairs to the professionals. If you insist on taking on a repair or maintenance you know little about, you’ll end up turning a quick fix into a mess that’s super-expensive.

8. Absence of Leak Protection System

Leaks start out small but turn ugly fast. For a few hundred dollars you cam install a leak protection system which offers an alarm to alert you of any loose fitting in pipes and hoses. It also automatically turns off the main water supply in the case of a leak. Therefore, you can easily avoid water wastage and nip potential damages.

9. Ignoring Hard Water

When you notice that your soap doesn’t lather or spots on your glasses, it means you are using hard water. This may not seem like a major concern, however, hard water contains minerals like magnesium and calcium, which coat the inside of your pipes. Over time the coats thicken and cause clogging, leaks, or bursts of the pipes. To prevent such occurrences, it’s prudent to purchase water softeners. They last up to 15 years and will also increase the lifespan of your home appliances.

10. Mishandling Water Pressure Valve

Never handle the water heater if you aren’t a professional. By fiddling with the water pressure valve, it may burst and throw hot scalding water all over causing serious burns and damage to property. Call a professional t do the job for you.

11. Waiting Until the Last Minute to Call for Help

If you feel a problem manifesting in your plumbing systems don’t put it off simply because it seems minor. The longer you let it linger, the worse it becomes. If you detect a problem early it’ll save you a lot of money if you deal with it right away. Don’t let it fester into a full-fledged plumbing emergency.

Plumbers are highly trained professionals. Do your research and have a good one on speed dial. In the case of any problem, however minor, phone them for assistance. They’ll help you save big bucks in the longer run.

Top 5 Reasons to call an Emergency Plumber

What would any of us do without a good, clean supply of water in our homes? Although overlooked in most homes, plumbing remains one of the most sought after services around the world. If you’ve been getting by each time with your own fix only to be hit by the same crisis again, here’s when you should be calling an emergency plumber for a good, permanent fix:


  1. A Leaking Tap


How well can you sleep with the sound of a dripping faucet in your bathroom? A leaky faucet is also the cause of a hefty water bill (not to mention a massive water waster). When you close a faucet, rubber or silicone joints inside them form a watertight seal that prevents water from flowing through. Over time, these joints may harden, tear or move, which can cause small leaks.


If the left untreated, the valve seat can bend or corrode, thus increasing the size and cost of work required. Thus calling a professional plumber immediately is the only solution to fix a leaking tap.


  1. Low Water Pressure


A thin stream of water basically represents low water pressure. A common cause is the accumulation of limescale inside the aerators of the faucet. The water in the pipes carry dissolved mineral substances that eventually settle on metal surfaces. If you do not have a filtration system, these deposits will find themselves on the faucet or shower heads, clogging holes and reducing water flow.


An easy way out is to simply clean these accessories( try CLR). If you still experience problems, you may well find yourself in a complex situation. A rupture in the pipelines that supply water to your home is an emergency that requires the intervention of a professional plumber.
leaky toilet picture

  1. Leaking Toilets


Tired of operating that age old, rusty flush rod? Perhaps it’s time to replace the internal organs of the tank. But first, try looking for calcium deposits in the basin that could prevent the accurate positioning of the components.


You could also be a victim of a silent leak in your toilet. To verify, just pour a few drops of liquid coloring agent in the tank and wait for about twenty minutes. Now, observe the bowl to locate any signs of coloring. If the water at the bottom of the bowl is colored, then you have a leak. Time to pick up the phone!


  1. Defective Pipes


Finding puddles under your pipes can be a nuisance. Leaks usually occur at the joints and replacing a seal under a sink is not usually a difficult repair. Having said that, let’s not forget about all that dirt that might escape during the dismantling process. Often, these kind of DIY (Do It Yourself) repairs are temporary and you will have to consider replacing defective pipes through a professional plumber.


  1. Blocked Ducts


You might be experiencing an uneven flow of water due to a partially blocked piping system. Unclogging isn’t an easy job as the caps are often made of unhealthy biological materials that exhume an objectionable odor. Chemical cleaners can sometimes do the trick;.but can worsen the situation in the event of a total closure. Products that are soda based can also damage your pipe when used too often. Calling a pro might be your only way out!


Let’s keep it simple. Plumbing problems lead to serious wastage of water every year. An emergency plumber will not only provide you a quick fix but will also save you loads of headaches and do the environment a favour. The next time you see a glitch, call your trusted emergency plumber right away!

6 Things To Consider When Planning A Bathroom Renovation


You’ve decided that your bathroom needs a makeover, either because it is falling apart or because you’d like to design it better. Renovating your bathroom makes it more pleasing to use, more functional and gives you a much better return on investment in the future should you decide to sell your house – in fact, much more than renovations on much of the rest of your house. Before sitting with your actual bathroom renovation plans, though, here are six things to consider.

  1. Your Budget

Every renovation has a cost attached to it, and you need to determine whether you can afford the costs attached to yours before you begin dreaming about that crystal chandelier or that gold-plated bathtub! There is, after all no use planning anything if you cannot afford it, so sit down and come up with a budget. Also, set aside a margin of at least 10% for unexpected expenses that are sure to come up once the renovation starts.

  1. The Layout

Carefully consider the space you have to work with and what you intend for it in the long run. If you have limited bathroom space, consider putting a shower in place of a bathtub and opt for a pedestal sink instead of a large vanity. Plan for cabinets strategically so that your bathroom counter does not get cluttered, and consider shelving and nooks within the shower area.
Even if you’re young still, it is never too early to plan your bathroom design if you intend to age in place. Your physical ability and mobility may decrease as you age, so consider accessibility and safety solutions along with your bathroom renovations. For example, you may want to install grab bars and anti-skid flooring to increase safety. Use curved edges around your vanity, and make the shower area a bit bigger if possible.

  1. Hidden Problems

Be prepared to find hidden problems that you didn’t know about, when you start off your bathroom renovation. Some problems that many homeowners are confronted with include:- Hidden water damage- Structural deficiencies- Wet beds – old tiles that are set on concrete beds, and which are expensive and difficult to remove.While you can’t hide from these possible problems, being prepared for them is one way to handle them. This is where a large portion of the flexible part of your budget get used up. In case you encounter wet beds, consider whether you really need to remove the older tiles as they may often have coats of concrete and even wire lath that can be brutal to remove.

  1. Plumbing Solutions

Think carefully about your bathroom’s plumbing lines and all its fixtures as you lay out the electrical lines, framing and plumbing. You may either choose to leave your supply lines exposed for a more vintage look or you may conceal them for a more modern look. Ultimately, the layout you choose for plumbing is determined by your overall bathroom design.
Think about how to save water when you choose your plumbing bathroom renovation fittings. You can save a lot of water, for instance, with low flow shower heads and with toilets with water efficient flushing. If you love long luxurious baths, consider adding a three-quarter-inch supply line for a faster, more consistent water flow. While this doesn’t really help you go green and save water, it’s a great idea if you’d like to splurge once in a while.

  1. Lighting

No bathroom is complete without good lighting. When planning your bathroom renovation, try to get in as much natural light as possible so that you can save electricity during the day. If there is insufficient natural light where you bathroom is, you need to install a comfortably bright light. Smaller bathrooms need just once central light. For larger bathroom spaces, install wall lights at strategic areas. Install dimmers if you’d like to enjoy a hot bath in a slightly darker environment. Also, be sure to add wall sconces that flank your bathroom mirror.

  1. Ventilation

The right ventilation is crucial for all bathrooms, and what better time to plan your ventilation than during a bathroom renovation? Keep your bathroom free of mold and mildew with a good fan. Include windows in your bathroom that you can open up periodically and let fresh air and natural light inside. If you have the cash to impress, you may also choose to invest in an automated ventilation system that is triggered once a pre-set humidity is reached.
In summary, consider your budget and your bathroom space before planning your renovations. Set aside some extra money for hidden problems that may come to light later and plan your fixtures for long term use. Planning renovations in detail helps you have greater control over your budget and results in a bathroom that is designed to impress.

How To Find A Quality Plumber In Your Area

Minor plumbing problems are easy to solve, but what are your options when the faucet won’t stop dripping? In all seriousness, complex plumbing errors at your residence can affect the overall quality of your life. When ignored, these problems often get bigger and result in property damage. The easy way out is to simply pick up your phone and call professional services.


Here’s how to find a reliable licensed plumbing contractor in your area:


Get to know your neighbours


Let’s not kid ourselves here. First hand recommendations are always more reliable than those newspaper advertisements. Check on your neighbours – whom do they call up for plumbing problems? If things worked out well for them, chances are that you’ll be in good hands too. Don’t settle with just one contact, go for more. Try asking more people, you might end up with better prospects.


Look Online


If you don’t happen to get any good leads from your neighbours, the next best thing to do is to look online. A simple Google search will list all local plumbing services in your area along with customer ratings. Although some reviews might be inaccurate, they’re largely trustable. List down services that impress you the most and check for their business website. Here, you should be able to get a fair idea of how each service will be able to help you. It’s also worth mentioning that services that have their own websites are more credible than the rest.


You probably won’t need to do this nine out of ten times, but if all else fails, you could always find some yellow pages and scrape through for more leads.


Getting Hold Of A Plumber Who Means Business


Once you’ve zeroed in on your prospects, it’s time to hold some serious talks and come up with a good deal for yourself. But here’s the catch – how do you zero in on the perfect plumber? There’s a set of standards every great plumbing service will adhere to. The sad truth is that most homeowners are ignorant about these facts. Here’s what you should be doing:


Check For Certifications


The primary requirement is that of a valid license. Without this, you’re going to risk your property if things don’t go according to plan. Remember, your insurance won’t cover third party or unlicensed plumbers. Furthermore, lack of a license speaks volumes about your prospect’s expertise in the field.


Ask Lots Of Questions


Try finding out more about their previous projects in order to get an idea of how efficient they are. Pay attention to their customer management skills. If they don’t treat your enquiry as a priority, you’re probably approaching the wrong plumber. In addition, find out more about their experience and service guarantee. They must be willing to accept responsibility in case of a bad execution.


Be Clear About Your Budget


True professionals are always clear when it means business. Plumbers who bargain in the phone or inflate quotes unreasonably should be avoided at all costs. Ask your prospect to hand out a proper break down of the whole undertaking. Every process should be stipulated along with its corresponding cost. This way, you’ll keep a tab on your expenses and know exactly what you’re going to be paying for.


Get Things Straight


Let’s face it – time is of the essence to everyone. Make it clear that you won’t tolerate delays or any sort of shortcomings. When you agree to an hourly pricing scheme, plumbers don’t mind taking their own sweet time. Make it clear that they can only charge you when they’re at the house working on the project. Often times, plumbers don’t show up on time and drag projects for days together. Nobody likes to chase servicemen at every step to get things done. If you have a bad feeling about your current plumber, don’t hesitate to get rid of him instantly.


Finding an ideal plumber isn’t hard when you’ve done your homework right. It does seem time consuming at first, but let’s not forget that you’re dealing with your property here. In some cases, the pipelines are interconnected with your neighbour’s residence. Compromise isn’t an option in such scenarios. Besides, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.